Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today Was a Very Long Day

I am very tired. I am not at all used to working in the outdoors among the spiders, ticks, and other nasty evil things that I found crawling on me throughout the day. I am burnt like a lobster because I did not even think of wearing sunscreen, why would a pasty white girl like me need sunscreen on a 90 degree sunny day??
At work today, we filled the sandbox with about a trillion 50 pound bags of sand, cut down giant tree limbs, pulled out weeds, fought with prickly thorn weed things, washed and scrubbed all our playgound toys, and washed carpets with some dish soap and a scrubby brush. Everyone worked really hard, I am really proud of our staff for how helpful they are all being this week. I am also super happy that Wolf and Mike came and put out the tons of new mulch and raked it for me.
I am sore, itchy, burned and exhausted, but also happy...why? Because I feel like a beast:).

Tomorrow, my wonderful sister-in-law is coming to help me to organize our office, and that will be wonderful for two reasons 1. I get to hang out with her. 2. I will be able to find things when I need them.

In other exciting news, I just discovered "mini-subs" at subway (so what if it's the "kiddie" one). They are the perfect size and super cheap! 2$ for my ham and cheese classic. Subway apparently has discontinued swiss cheese, I did not realize that cheese was an item that you would discontinue,unless it was like goat cheese or something a little more unsual. I do not enjoy swiss cheese, so I am unaffected. Wolf is sad though.

Have I mentioned that I really hate spiders?
Yay for more Olympics tonight!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

You are VERY welcome! It was a pleasure working with you and I am so glad that WE got so much accomplished!! I loved hanging out with you too. You are wonderful sister-in-law who seems more like a real sister! See you soon!