Thursday, August 14, 2008

I am ready to go to California

Next week, Wolf and I are going to California to see his family. I am very excited to go away for a few days because I feel very crazy and I need a break.Today was a day that I just felt completely incompetent. I felt like I didn't know what I was doing, or how to manage time effectively,and I wondered why on this great big planet that anyone would ever trust their business to ME!The painters screwed up a lot, and I did not even realize this until someone pointed it out to me, after I already paid them and I am just having a dumb day. However, I did get Fluffy (our class turtle) a new tank, and it looks much nicer that the one with the big crack in it! Hooray.
Also, Alyssa came and organized the office and it looks about a bazillion times better, and that made me very very happy. Thank you Alyssa:).

I will not whine anymore today, it's not really valid, I just needed to vent for a hot second.
I think those fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty are pretty darn sweet. I would enjoy for them to come and wave their wands so that all the things will magically go to their homes. The little fat blue fairy is my favorite. I would like for her to come and live in my pocket.

1 comment:

Emily said...

You are not dumb. You are beautiful and very competent.

And I wish I was with you to keep you company and drink Crystal Light and sit on your couch and looka t wedding pictures and mutually process and affirm.

Because that is my favorite favorite.