Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to Reality

This week is not as hard as I had imagined. It's always difficult to get back to normal after being on a break. Work has been good and productive this week but not too crazy thankfully.My only real complaint is that I am so tired. I don't really seem to have the capacity to sleep deeply. I fall asleep ok and then I just wake up frequently and easily and never really get to that nice deep sleeping part. I don't feel so tired when I wake up, but then it hits me hard in the middle of the afternoon. I'm sure Kidney Bean(baby's name this week which is unfortunate because I do not enjoy beans) is also currently contributing to my exhaustion.

I had yet another Dr.s appointment today and it went well. Things seem to be progressing normally and my lovely Dr. is appeased at last!He is sending me off to an OB that he recommends strongly along with a letter to her about all my wonderful issues. I am also super excited because this OB is 4 minutes away from my house, hooray! However, it is hard to switch doctors after being with one who has taken such good care of you for so long. If you have any crazy GYN issues, I will send you right to him!

I am two months preggo now, and the strangeness of growing this little critter is continuing to grow. This week's cravings have been primarily focused on Tuna Sandwhiches from Panara with toasted wheat bread and chips, I have indulged in this two days in a row now and if I think about it for too long I will promptly begin to drool. Cheesecake with Cherries on top is the other one. I went to the grocery store last night after inhaling the joys of tuna, and got the stuff to make a cheesecake and a can of cherries to put on top. I came home, made the cheesecake, and went to grab the can on cherries. My mother has instilled in me an intense fear of food poisoning, so with that comes the ocd need to check expiration dates on things....even things that I bought at the store only moments ago. Good thing, because the stupid date on the can was 2007!!! What the boogy?!It ruined all my hopes and dreams of cheesecake with cherries on top....until today when my lovely friend bought me a new and appropriately dated can.
I am also happy to report that my hatred for chocolate is withering....hopefully that will continue and I can enjoy a lovely Ghiradelli Caramel filled chocolate by the end of the week.

Ok, one more quick note before I leave you.I don't curse very often but there's only one curse word that I truly hate. I said this naughty word today, a word that I very much hate hearing, much less saying. It was warranted though! I was driving up a road that leads to my house which is extremely twisty and windy and only two lanes with no shoulder. People often drift over the line slightly when coming around tight corners on this road so you always have to watch out. This person today did not merely drift the line. He was coming around he corner driving on the wrong side of the road completely and headed straight for me!His car was not anywhere near his side of the road. (Insert naughty expletive here). He swerved just in time and did not hit me, thank God.I feel that crazy drivers seem to drift toward me on a regular basis. In fact, maybe later this week I will tell you about more fun experiences between me and crazy driving people.

That is all for tonight, enjoy your week!


Erin said...

I am always glad to appease a craving of yours....especially while you're preggo!! :)

Emily said...

YOU said THAT?!!! I'm shocked :-P jk, i'm sooo glad that car didnt hit you! seriously!

ummm... panera date this week?!

I LOVE YOU. also i loved talking to you on sunday. and i had a final epiphany that night. which was basically everything you told me, except i just like officially got it. funny how that happens a lot after we talk...

amyB said...

diiiid you say URINE? :)

Randy and Terry said...

Oh, sweetheart - that tired feeling is so nasty. About 4 months along all of a sudden you'll feel like yourself again. It's like a switch that goes on.

And I think given the situation of having someone driving directly toward you, ANY expletive is warranted! :)

amy@flexibledreams said...

Your cheesecake was YUMMY!!! Thanks for sharing :)