Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It is so cold!

I am not enjoying the 27 degree weather without any snow...
I just want one good snowfall, during a weekday!

Anyways, weekly baby update:
-It's a grape this week
- I have a feeling Grape is a boy.
- I have a migraine.
- My belly is beginning to poof,probably only noticeable to me.It;s the only part of my belly that I just can't seem to suck in...

Not a whole lot to report other than that. It is nice to have a little break from all the Doctors visits. I am SO excited that 24 and Idol are back, annnnd House is back next week annnnd Lost soon after that! Sad that those are the most exciting things I have to report.

Oh, I know what I can talk about! I said I would start writing my car accident stories for ya.

Ok ready? Here is the 1st-ish one. There was sort of one before that, but it was so dumb and minor, it doesn't really count.

The first real one happend about 1 month before my wedding. I was super duper stressed out and crazy( you can be afraid when I have to preface thing's this way). I was having lunch at My sister in laws house with her and Lisa Svatek. I left to go and meet with the lady who would be making our cake and cupcakes for thre wedding. My car (affectionately known as Honky Cracker) was parked next to a big van so it was hard to see as I backed out, so I went very slowly. I see another big van coming, so clearly, I go to step on the brake. Unfortunately my foot had amnesia for a hot second. It hit the gas and I slammed into the side of this van so hard. I think it must have seemed like I was an evil little munchkin (ooooh, here he comes....whammmoo!gotcha!). The poor guy was so confused and it made such a loud noise that Lisa and Alyssa heard and came out to see what had happened. Needless to say, I was humiliated. Even more humliating, my trunk would no longer close, and my tail lights were hanging on by the wires. Duct tape...yes duct tape...held my trunk closed and my lights in. For abouut 2 months. People would point and laugh at me as they passed me on the road.
Honky Cracker is no longer in need of duct tape. But, the drivers side handle on the outside of the car does not work, therefore we have to crawl across the passenger side to get into the car. To add to its character, I also thought it would be super smart to pass a paint truck one day because it was going so slow while painting the yellow lines on the road. Now we have yellow tires and wheel wells.

Next time, I shall have another story for ya, but it wont be my fault!

Pray for snow!


Randy and Terry said...

Mary, it's gonna get pretty tough to slide from the passenger side to the driver's side in a few months! You better get the car fixed! :)

Mary said...

Very true! I have informed Wolf that I will not be sliding through for much longer.We are trying to get the handle replaced, it's just so overpriced!It came off last year when it was frozen, we tried to open it and the handle just came off in Wolf's hand.

Emily said...

27 degree weather... ha. ha. ha... no.

-17, baby.

(ps hi grape i love you!!)

Alyssa said...

I remember that accident in front of my house. It wasn't as funny as you re-telling the story now. It's actually funny now. :-)