Have you ever had these horrid little creatures in your house? They are crickets that have long spidery legs and jump really high.
They come visit every winter and I HATE them!!!!! I loathe spiders and they just look like giant jumping spiders from the depths of evil town....yes evil town...
Anyway, so far I have killed two of them in odd ways because I could not find a shoe that I could get to without having to pass evil spricket. Erin had a brilliant idea that I should blog about all the different ways that I kill them since they have been unique thus far.
TRY to contain your excitement, I know it's hard...
Spricket Termination #1: I was in the kitchen and my only available weapon was a 40 pound bag of dog food. So I chased the spricket around the kitchen and hovered the bag over it and then let it fall. After 3 tries, I finally got the spricket, gave housemate Mike a headache, and scared the mcpoopy out of my dog. Success!
Spricket Termination #2: I was in the basement early after Rex's first feeding. Evil Spricket approached my son, said spricket got smashed with the husbands tool box. Don't mess with my baby Spricket!
It's spricket season, so fortunately for you all, I am sure I will have many more of these in the coming months :)
Jess, if you couldn't look away and you read this...I am so sorry...(kind of)
Never let a spricket get in between a mommy and her baby!! :) Keep up the good work!
If you spray hairspray on a spricket it will slow it down long enough for you to step on it.
They are actually called camelback spiders. NASTY creatures. I agree! Sometimes, they hide out in my closet. My favorite weapon is the vacuum cleaner!
Haha, thanks for thinking of me :) Didn't make me cry, but actually made me think back to the first time I ever saw one (in the south they're called camelback crickets). It freaked.me.out and I thought it was going to kill me and Rocky in our sleep that night. I had to catch it in Tupperware and call Clark over in the middle of the night to rescue us. Haha!
I am a spricket killer...get evercide and keep a mixture in a spray bottle nearby...they typically enter in the basement under a deck that has house bricks missing...have a handyman cement all openings under your deck and spray the evercide under the deck along the house wall once every two weeks from late aug through nov...
OMS( OH MY SPRICKET) I thought my daughter and I were the only ones that knew about these evil things and we named them ourselves unbeknownst to us... they are everywhere. Not sure why this year as we have lived in the same home for 16years and this is our first experience. My Pathophysiology professor suggested to leave the spiders alone and they will eat the sprickets for us. I can't tolerate anything with creepy,crawly legs so watch out evil Sprickets, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!
One time, there was a spricket on my mirror. I carefully went around it, giving it wide berth so as to not set off its random jumping. I got the Raid and sneaked up on it. I carefully aimed, getting really close to it really slowly so as to not make it jump... I pressed down on the button, and I wouldn't let up until there was white foam covering my mirror with the same diameter as putting your thumbs and index fingers in a circle.
I think I used up half the can of that (new) thing of Raid, but man. It was worth it to see its legs twitch underneath the foam as it died.
All my kids and the wife are terrified of the little SOB's I tried shoes, fly swatters broom's and a slipper. They are extremely fast. Anyone have a chemical or something that they use to prevent them from entering your space?
i just saw a spricket it totally freaked meh out. i accually cried when i saw one
Use Mothballs around your home.. 100% effective
My extermination method: buy mouse glue traps at the dollar store. Place them between washer/dryer or anywhere else the sprickets hide. Check, dispose, and replace as necessary. Eliminates the need to use poisons in your home. :)
Omg I hate these!!!! I saw one as big as my hand n now there are all kinds of babies ahhhhh. Is there anyway to do it urself fumigate them out ?
A ridgid bristle brush like a toilet brush will impale them.
Then just pop them in the toilet and flush. Spricket gone :)
I've know these things existed for years but thought I was the only one who had seen them. Thought they were the result of a toxic spill or something. I have two young cats that love to catch them and play with them until they are dead. I reward them for their efforts with extra cat treats.
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