Saturday, October 18, 2008

Such a nerd...I have become

Today we got a very exciting new's a vacuum.That actually sucks things up and cleans things! We have had hand me down vacuums up to this point and recently I broke our remaining old and crusty canister by attempting to vacuum a rug that was way to thin and the thing tried to eat it instead of clean it.
I feel that I have reached a new stage in life, where the highlight of the month is that I have a new vacuum.
It really is cool though! I had no idea how much dog hair lived in our carpet, it's really quite gross.
I will not bore you with all the details, but I am quite thrilled about it.

We have a mouse in our house, most likely mice.... Wolf has only seen one, but I guess there's never really just one. At first, I only found his "evidence" in one particular spot in the pantry by the dog food. So I set up the friendly traps, the ones that will just trap them and not kill them so that I could catch our little furry and unwelcome guest and set him free in the meadows. I even named him Reepicheep after the warrior mouse from the Narnia books. Reepicheep is very sneaky. He comes to his spot and poops right next to the traps. Then I found the cracker that I had placed inside the trap, right next to the trap, he had somehow gotten it out and did not get imprisoned.
My mom got us a storage bin for Winnie's food so that it was less accessible but I think he is still interested in snacking from his traps. I was still ok as long as he stayed away from our food, I still had hope for a safe entrapment. Until last night. Terah was at my house and we discovered that he was not keeping to his little pantry spot, there was crap all behind our fridge and behind our hutch where we have our kitchen appliances on. Where he really crossed the line was in the cardboard box where my diet cokes are, we found poo. Which means he may have crawled on top of the cans. Which means, Reepicheep must die. You don't mess with Mary's diet coke. I washed all the cans, and Terah was amazing and vacuumed and mopped the floor and basically reorganized my kitchen, since I am not technically allowed to do those things right now.
The mouse poison is out. Hopefully the little mouse community that has been partying in my home will soon come to end.

Yes, I do realize that it is pathetic that it took violating my beverage of choice to come to this, but I am a sucker for things that are cute and fluffy.One day, once I convince Wolf, and we win the lottery, and it becomes legal in Maryland, I will have a pet monkey.Just a little one that I can train to do very helpful things and he wont throw his poo at people.Thats just not polite.
Let me know if you have any mouse eliminating tricks!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


It's been a little bit since my last post. Last Wednesday I had surgery and I have since been doing absolutely nothing! I don't think I have ever been so useless in my whole life. I am not supposed to lift anything over 5 pounds for 3 weeks.
It has been kind of like some sort of strange vacation. I love being home with Wolf all day and my family and friends have been amazing. My sweet mom did all our laundry (and it looked much better then when I do it), my sister who is nine months pregnant, came and cleaned our bathroom and organized some things. We have had food brought to us and company and I am so aware of how blessed I am with the amazing people that are in my life.
Thanks for all the "get well" notes and wishes and know that I so appreciate all you wonderful people. You made a yucky time a lot less yucky.

I don't really have much else to write about since I haven't really done anything.

I am going back to work next Wednesday, I am sure I will have more exciting thing's to share about then!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ms. Mary has a Mommy and Daddy!

So today my parents came to see where I work and then we went to lunch. It was so funny. They have never been there before so I was really excited to have them come and see what I actually do all day. I felt like a little kid myself, when you are so excited for your parents to come for show and tell or something. At moments it almost felt as if I was sitting in on a parent-teacher conference while staff members talked to my parents about me as if I was not standing right in front of them.

Most of my kids were in awe that I actually had parents. One of them got it, my little "who". She kept saying over and over, even after we walked out of the room "thats Ms. Mary's mommy and daddy!!"
It was a lot of fun and we had a lovely time at the Double T afterwards.

In other kid news, there is a plague going through my classroom. It is called "I lovetopullmypantsdownallthetimeandputmyhandsinmydiaper". I don't enjoy this stripping stage or the attempts at touching the poo. About a year ago, this one particular child was infected with this plague. One day she came up to the teacher I was working with, and the teacher said" Sally, how did you get chocolate all over your face??!!" nope. that was not in fact chocolate. Not even close.
It is extremely difficult to keep track of 8 toddlers diapers who have not even heard the word "potty train". Sometimes parents get frustrated that we keeping asking them to bring them more diapers because they can't imagine how their child could possibly have gone through that whole pack so quickly. I am not hiding them for fun! If your child would not poo right after I change their wet diaper, we would not have this problem.

Now that I have just blown your mind with all the potty language(hahaha) I will leave you to your ponderings, or poonderings.
(this is what happens to your brain in my profession!)