Sunday, March 8, 2009


I am now 17 weeks pregnant and feeling really good, aside from being super tired. I am officially in the preggo clothes now, and fortunately I have lots of hand-me downs from friends and family. My mom is wonderful and took me shopping for a few desperately needed shirts yesterday. In my regular shirts (if I can squeeze into them) I look like a middle aged midget with a beer belly. So, thanks very much to my wonderful mom.
This pregnancy gets more real every day. I can feel the baby fluttering around in there now, it feels like I swallowed a decent sized goldfish! I can't feel it on the outside yet, so Daddy Wolf has yet to feel the alien-esque movement for himself. I look forward to that though! On March 25th, about two weeks, we will go for a sonogram to hopefully see if we are having a boy or a girl! Feel free to make your predictions, I think everyone knows mine:).
Work is a zillion times better right now. I am feeling much less stressed and that is really very good. I am just trying to get my sleepy butt out of bed on time to work out in the morning, the late sunrise is not going to help though!
I have been pondering/praying a lot today and I feel like God is trying to share some important and rather obvious things with me. I am not on this earth to glide by and "get through". I am here according to His will and His purposes. So why then have I made everything about what is easy, what is comfortable and what is fun? Not that any of those things are bad, but I don't think those should be my life goals. My life goals should be for things that are right and good. I am being lazy and I am ready to not be anymore. God has blessed me in more ways that I can count and I think it is time for me to truly grasp that and live a thankful life. I want to be more intentional, I want to be focused on goals and pray and trust God to attain them. I want to fight against apathy and work against my lazy nature. I have no interest in continuing to waste time. It is time to move forward. I want my child to look at their mom and respect the drive I have for the Lord, I want them to see that spiritual growth should never come to an end in this life. There is always more to learn and more to do. I have certainly not "arrived" and I need to stop living like I have.


Randy and Terry said...

Oh, boy! Mary, you sure hit someone in between the eyes so early in the morning! Girl, sometimes your insights are so deep and meaningful, it scares me! ;) I love the sentence - I have not arrived and need to stop living like I have. SO TRUE!

Thanks for sharing your heart. And I can't wait to see "pictures" of that baby!!

Emily said...

I want preggo pics!!!

Thanks for talking this week, love you so much.

Chelseyy said...

I am exciteddd for babyy!!!! and i love you