Sunday, February 8, 2009

Shrimp, is a familiar nickname

So, this is our little critter.The top picture is the size at 6 weeks, the 2nd one is from five weeks when all you could see was the sack(sorry they are not in order) and the last one is just a week ago at 12 weeks!It's nuts how every week makes such a huge difference.The baby even flailed around like it had the hiccups during our OB visit, it was so crazy to see him moving around like that and not feel anything! There's really a baby in there...weird.

Last week baby was a lime, this week a Shrimp. I am very short and many friends called me shrimp for many years growing up. My poor kid will most likely be kind of shrimpy too, but its ok, small people are cool right??

Obviously, the OB appointment went well. Everyone was very nice and everything looks healthy and normal so far. Every time I hear that, it makes me feel very blessed and thankful.

Work has been a little nuts. However, I am learning a whole heck of a lot. I am doing things like...growing a back bone, asserting myself, and growing a very thick skin. If I just continue to remind myself of all that I am learning and the delightful experience I am gathering, just maybe I will remain intact over the next few weeks....maybe. Pray for me please. I feel very young and very small and very inadequate, but God's put me here for a reason and I gotta just do my best. On the plus side, I have been so exhausted that I have been sleeping better than I have in years! wahoo!

We got a wii fit this week. It's wonderful exercise...but it's cruel! When you step on the board that weighs you it goes "ohhh" in this little mickey mouse voice. Then mickey proceeds to tell you just how overweight you are and how badly you truly must need to work out...
It's so genius because it puts you in competition with yourself. I always want to be better than my last time in any given exercise. It's kicking my butt too, my calves are killing me!
My only real complaint is that it does not have big preggo option. I cannot inform it that I will be gaining weight due to the creature that is growing inside it will just keep telling me how fat I am getting and pretty soon I will be considered obese! Maybe I should write a letter...?

Alrighty, I think thats enough updating for the moment. Have a most wonderful week!


Emily said...

OHHH mary!! Look at your beautiful little shrimp. I just can't believe it... I am soooo happy.

I'm praying for you and work. Blech. You are incredible.

Also... tough and mighty people rule the world!

I miss you a very big large amount. Shrimps love Wheaton weather, you know...

Randy and Terry said...

I love Shrimp!! All kinds, but especially babies. :) So glad to hear that all is going well with the pregnancy. I've been praying.

Are you still in charge at work, is that what you're referring to? I know you're doing a great job, girl.

amy@flexibledreams said...

YAY for shrimpy babies! I'm SO GLAD that everything is still going well!

Alyssa said...

What a cute little picture of your baby!